Certified Arborist
Our Arborist are Certified by the International Society of Arboriculture. ContactCertified Arborist in Grapevine, TX.
Arbor Care Experts has some of the best Arborist in Grapevine, TX being able to diagnose tree disease and give proper treatments to unhealthy trees. We have worked with local residents and commercial business owners to help them take care of their landscape and keep their trees healthy year round.
Common Tree Diseases

Hypoxylon Canker
This is when a fungus grows on the bark and inner vascular. Hypoxylon canker is a cancer that attacks the vascular system to be weakened and the disease takes control. When this disease has infiltrated they start to change your trees outer and mostly inner health and perspective. This can cause your tree wither away or in other words, die young. As homestead and property owners we know trees are valuable assets to the landscape and germane. The hypoxylon canker is a disease that latches on hardwood and oak trees. Tree Service Grapevine company can help you combat tree disease on your plantation.

Leaf Scorch
Leaf Scorch is a contagious and ugly disease that disables the trees actual beauty. This disease attacks through the inside first and out at last. The wilting of leaves, foliage uprising on your tree, leaves of tree changing color these are just a few signs and symptoms of leaf scorch disease. This can be taken care of quickly with our treatments that we offer here. All these effects are xylem which is when the trees water in the vascular system is evaporated much quicker than what its usual evaporation process is.

Oak Wilt
Symptoms of dying, dryness, withering away, loosing color? These are a few symptoms of oak wilt disease. When this disease happens it will be transmitted through a sap eating beetle that is common through the vascular system. This also happens when the system is exposed out to the open. The tree will start to slowly loose its healthiness and may seem to loose color. The will externally loose water so much that it will evidently dye. This disease can contaminate all your other trees and cause all your plantation to be poisoned.
Updated on January 8, 2019, at 12:39 PM by Arbor Care Experts.